Review Detail

Same Complaint as Michael

Reviewed by Fred Whittlesey | November 12, 2014

This is clearly a scam operation. I purchased two months ago and was given a ship date of this week. Today I emailed and was given the same excuse Michael received - demand is up, etc. This is a lie. Silver prices are down significantly and there is no shortage. Other dealers are guaranteeing next-day delivery. I am going to file a complaint with the State Attorney General and any other relevant agency. This is nothing less than fraud.

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This is clearly a scam operation. I purchased two months ago and was given a ship date of this week. Today I emailed and was given the same excuse Michael received - demand is up, etc. This is a lie. Silver prices are down significantly and there is no shortage. Other dealers are guaranteeing next-day delivery. I am going to file a complaint with the State Attorney General and any other relevant agency. This is nothing less than fraud.
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