Review Detail

Tulving (Closed)
Gold Dealers

Reviewed by K. Nanlohy | January 05, 2012

I had a bad experience with the Tulving Company. Mr. Tulving refused to pay me tens of thousands of dollars he owed me. I don't think I'd have gotten my money back if I hadn't been very persistent. It took too much of my time and more than ten phone calls to resolve. I withstood impressive insults and profanity from Hannes Tulving, Jr., and from an employee named 'Dale'.

How did it happen? I found language pertaining to their sales policies on their website that I felt was misleading. It contradicted the policies as explained to me by one of their representatives. I was asked to stay on the phone so that Mr. Tulving could to speak to me. Before I said a word, Mr. Tulving opened the conversation by saying 'I wanna know if you're able to read.' In short order he was shouting. That man seems to have a fantastically short fuse.

I have to admit that I admire their brashness. I think it's funny now that I've got my money back. It wasn't so funny when it happened.

I had a bad experience with the Tulving Company. Mr. Tulving refused to pay me tens of thousands of dollars he owed me. I don't think I'd have gotten my money back if I hadn't been very persistent. It took too much of my time and more than ten phone calls to resolve. I withstood impressive insults and profanity from Hannes Tulving, Jr., and from an employee named 'Dale'.

How did it happen? I found language pertaining to their sales policies on their website that I felt was misleading. It contradicted the policies as explained to me by one of their representatives. I was asked to stay on the phone so that Mr. Tulving could to speak to me. Before I said a word, Mr. Tulving opened the conversation by saying 'I wanna know if you're able to read.' In short order he was shouting. That man seems to have a fantastically short fuse.

I have to admit that I admire their brashness. I think it's funny now that I've got my money back. It wasn't so funny when it happened.
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Written by William
March 15, 2012
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